What is the red/yellow spider mite?

The red/yellow spider is a rikiki mite which is part of the Tetranychidae and which attacks indoor plants, green garden plants or plants in bloom.

it is a mite.

These mites often cause limited damage but can also, when they are numerous contribute to the destruction of the plant.

How to fight and treat red spiders in your garden?

Red spiders proliferate and attack plants when the climate is hot and dry.

This is why they can be found indoors all year round and in the garden in the summer when it is not raining and the temperature is above 20°

Moreover, spiders are not insects and insecticides allow their development. By killing their predator, you give them the opportunity to develop so be careful to use the right products

Red spiders feed on the plant's sap by sucking on the leaves to absorb the leaf cells.

These mites have the ability to multiply rapidly, their attack can be formidable if they are not caught and treated in time.

Beware they can move from one plant to another very quickly.

What are the symptoms of red spiders on your plants:

Their small size makes them difficult to see with the naked eye but a small magnifying glass or pocket microscope will often allow you to identify them.

The first visible deficiency is the appearance of small white or yellow spots and then the complete yellowing of the leaves.

On the other hand, the fact that they weave small webs around the leaves makes it easier to notice them.

Spray demineralized water on the plant and see if the webs appear

How to treat the red spider :

Spray demineralizedwater without limestone regularly on the foliage of plants to create a moist environment conducive to the disappearance without chemicals, know that neem oil is very effective against red spiders and the extract of garlic which are natural and organic products allowing you to treat your plants serenely, it is still better to consume them.

If this is not enough, buy a miticide.

If the red spider often causes limited damage, keep an eye on your plants regularly, especially in hot and dry weather because that's when they reproduce the fastest.