This is our dedicated category humidifiers and mistersdeveloped by the brand specialized in the climate, WinflexVentilation.

In the city and because of the dry air that reigns there, a cultivation space and especially in the growth phase, requires the acquisition ofa thermo-hygrometer in order to measure its level of humidity and temperatures; but also often, the installation of a humidifier or a mister is recommended.

The misters must be accompanied by a programmer (recommended cycles: 15 minutes ON / 15 minutes OFF) and their buoy to maintain the membranes of the misters at an optimal level compared to that of the water (tap, osmosis or rain).

Recommended humidity levels:

- during growth: from 45 to 70 %, to counteract a possible and negative drying of the stomata placed on the leaves and responsible for the plant's gas exchanges.

- during flowering: from 35 to 50%, lower hygrometry to prevent the potential emergence of pathogenic fungi(mildew, pythium, fusarium, oidium,...).

The best prices on misting machines are at Culture Indoor.