Visit our online catalog dedicated to the osmosis plants distributed by AquarioPure and GrowMax Water. At Culture Indoor discount prices.

Offer your plants the best water: osmosis water. Purified water, free of salts and with an EC level close to 0.

Osmosis or reverse osmosis filtration systems osmosis systems are used to filter tap water, to remove all the elements dissolved in the water by means of a very fine filtering, letting only the water molecules pass.

Discover osmosis systems famous brands like GrowMax Water and AquarioPure. But also their maintenance accessories such as sediment or carbon cartridges

Reminder: let your osmosis unit run for about 3 or 4 hours before collecting the water that comes out of your unit. It is necessary to remove the wetting agents contained in your cartridges, unsuitable for plants.

The best prices on the osmosis machines are at Culture Indoor.