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Welcome to our section gathering all the essential accessories or simply useful for therooting of seedlings (plants from seeds) and cuttings.

You will find complete cutting packs with all the equipment, more or less advanced, to germinate seeds or make clones.

But, also, traditional greenhouses, cuttings cutting and maintenance accessories cuttings, root stimulators, cuttings hormones rooting substrates..

And finally, the famous aeroponics systems for cuttings offered by famous brands like NutriCulture, Platinium Hydroponics, GHE... These "automated cuttings" make it possible to root all the plants more quickly and for the clones, to obtain an amazing success rate (90% success rate on average, even for a beginner grower!!!). These horticultural evolutions then make much easier this stage of the culture however often delicate, the cutting ... Find all our advice on sowing and cutting on the page cuttings and germination.

Indoor cultivation. Always at the cheapest prices on the web.