Welcome to our section dedicated to the management of CO2, or carbon dioxide, essential to the photosynthesis process of all plants.
Properly calibrated CO2 enrichment (between 1,500 and 2,000 ppm) can significantly increase crop productivity (by around 30%).
This is why we Culture Indoor offers you the best CO2 managers on the European market, with brands such as Harvest Master superPro, GSE , Ecotechnics ...
They take the form of "mini-computers" with a remote sensor, as most offer total or partial climate automation, equipped with: thermostat, hygrostat, functions on fans, extractors and introducers, the possibility of connecting a humidifier/mister (or dehumidifier), auxiliary heating, ...
To prevent the CO2 released from escaping directly through the extractors and air introducers, you need to install non-return valves on the latter and double up the fans, as CO2 is a heavy gas that settles on the floor.
In addition, we recommend that you program carbon dioxide enrichment only during daylight hours, and in cycles (30 minutes ON/30 minutes OFF).
The best prices on CO2 management are available from Culture Indoor .